Sunday, May 11, 2014


My motivation for forming this group is to create empowered individuals who will affect positive change in their communities and the world. 

As a "searcher", I've seen, read, watched and heard many ideas on self improvement and its vastly varied related topics. In short, I've been having info overload for years, getting very little done.

So I arrived at this point where I realized that I had to keep things simple. Identify those that will benefit me the most within the shortest span of time and implement it. Then make it routine. That's it.

As the word "praxis" isn't a common one, lets refer to my first Facebook post: 

What is the meaning of praxis?

prax·is - noun \ˈprak-səs\

1 : action, practice: as
     a : exercise or practice of an art, science, or skill
     b : customary practice or conduct

2 : practical application of a theory

So in this context, with this group, we shall strive to put good, workable ideas and theories into practice, towards the attainment of success and affecting positive change in ones-self, community, and the world.


If you're interested in joining us, feel free to drop me an email. And if you're within the Metro Manila vicinity, you're free to join our regular meetings.

